
Employee Spotlight: Bryan Darby, VP of Operations Business Strategy

Employee Spotlight

August 2021

Name: Bryan Darby

Title: Vice President of Operations Business Strategy

QTS location: PHX1

Years with QTS: 5 Years


What is your favorite part of working for QTS?

The Flexibility QTS affords me to work across the functional organizations to add value, showcase my talents and solve challenging problems for the betterment of the entire organization.


What is a day in the life of your position like?

No two days are the same. I spend much of my time doing long-term strategic planning and execution  or communicating with and influencing leaders to move a strategy or intention forward to solve a business problem


What passions do you have within your position and QTS?

I’m passionate about eliminating status quo thinking that often suppresses creativity, introduces risk and can add financial stresses on the business. Secondly, I get a high level of satisfaction when I’m utilizing my strategic and programmatic skillset to solving a complex cross functional business challenge


What do you feel was the biggest benefit of the WIL mentorship program, from your perspective as a mentor?

The satisfaction and fulfilment that I received from sharing my pitfalls, experiences and life lessons for the betterment of someone else. Secondly, I’d say the thrill of seeing your mentee making progress and executing on the guidance, advice and mentorship that you’ve provided. This then creates a desire to do more to pour into that mentee as your efforts are yielding positive outcomes.


What advice do you have for future mentees going into the program?

Join the program! A good mentor will provide essential wisdom, knowledge and career guidance that can help you better navigate the obstacles and pitfalls that we all have experienced.  A mentor can also help shape your thinking by providing alternative perspectives because of their life experiences. Mentorship is an essential part of your personal development journey.


What advice would you give others looking to make advancements within their career?

Take an agile approach to your career by getting involved in different parts of the business to showcase your talents, work with new leaders and learn new skills. Opportunities could include doing stretch assignments, joining committees, volunteering or taking on new projects.


What does a perfect day off work look like for you?

Spending time with my wife and son swimming or mountain biking in the mountains of AZ.